How our Nestings work
Many software components for nesting have been on the market for years, but automatic nesting is far from a standard application. A successful nesting cannot be done by simply using a general purpose component, a good placement strategy is always required.
Our Nesting Strategies contain high-level logic that drives the optimisation processes by using low-level nesting functions in order to maximise the efficiency and match the requirements of each individual customer.
Searching for the most effective strategy requires a long time even for experienced programmers, who must try different approaches. They must test the behaviour of each strategy under a wide range of production constraints and so on.
String is "Your nesting partner", we are always committed to high levels of customer service and solutions to the great satisfaction of our customers and (through OEMs) of our customers' clients. And that's why we don't like the "one size fits all" approach.
Below you can find a list of our main nesting strategies, developed according to different production constraints and needs. If your conditions do not match any of these, please get in contact so that we can analyse and define a specific strategy for your own case